Get Lasting Quality At Joedan With Our 10-Year Guarantee

We really put in the time and effort when it comes to designing and manufacturing our full range of Lusso aluminium doors and windows along with our other products we offer.

Black Lusso Aluminium Windows

But that’s what we need to do to ensure that the windows and doors we supply stand the test of time and that you get exceptional value for money from your investment.

It will probably come as a shock to you to discover that some window and door suppliers don’t offer a guarantee, while some only provide a guarantee that isn’t Insurance Backed. The lack of an Insurance Backed guarantee could potentially leave you out of pocket if the relevant supplier ceases to trade as it may force you to pay out for a repair.

Any purchase you make at Joedan, whether it’s buying a new front door to our extraordinarily slim frame Lusso aluminium windows, you receive a GGF backed 10-year guarantee as cover for the product, proof of the quality we offer.

Over those 10 years, and well beyond that, you can anticipate your chosen product/s will provide immense quality, security and thermal efficiency. The relentless testing will ensure our products perform to an amazing standard for many years.

In the unlikely event of you experiencing a problem with any Joedan product, the guarantee entitles you to having it resolved for FREE by a Service Engineer. Just notify us and arrangements will be made by our Service Department for it to be done quickly and efficiently, so that you’re not left waiting around.

Once the 10-year guarantee has elapsed, we promise to still be there for you if you ever need our assistance – we’re only a phone call away! Joedan is not the type of company to desert our customers from the moment their guarantee has ended.

This great guarantee is yet another reason why you should choose us ahead of anyone else.

You will be told more about our guarantee at your FREE design appointment. To get this organised, at your home or in a Design Centre of your choosing, just click here.

Visit your local Joedan Design Centre

Everybody is welcome to visit one of our design centres and book a private appointment. Our sales team will be on hand to demonstrate the products and answer any questions you may have.


Want to talk to one of our advisors? Call 01684 274000

Our friendly team are always happy to help you.

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