How To Care For Our Lusso Aluminium Windows

How To Care For Our Lusso Aluminium Windows

Our forever busy lifestyles leave us with only minimal time to attend to all those household chores, including maintaining and cleaning our windows.

With all our products, such as Joedan’s exclusive Lusso aluminium window range, very little attention needs to be given to them, leaving you more time to do other things.

For the duration of their life (at least 10 years, in accordance with our guarantee), over which time our Lusso aluminium windows could help protect, heat, and brighten your home, they only require occasional upkeep.

Preserve the smart looks, functionality, and performance of Lusso aluminium windows with our handy maintenance guide.


Begin by taking off any hand jewellery before cleaning the glass to avoid accidentally scratching the surface.

Use a solution of soap and water to remove any external grime and follow it up by cleaning and polishing the glass with a normal household glass cleaner and soft cloth.

Try not to apply any excessive pressure when cleaning glass with leaded lights or applied Georgian bars so that it doesn’t cause them to move or become dislodged.

The handle on an aluminium window


The aluminium window frame profile can pretty much look after itself and only needs a periodic clean.

Wash it down at least every 3 months with a solution of soap and water, and if it needs it, you can use a non-abrasive proprietary cleaner to clean the external frame surfaces every 6 months.

When cleaning around the frames of open windows, keep an eye on catching yourself on any of the operating hardware’s slightly sharp edges or corners.

Replacement Windows from Joedan


That same solution of soap and water can also be used to bring a sparkly shine back to the window handles, which will then need to be dried and buffed with a soft cloth.

To stop the locking mechanism from sticking, apply a small amount of oil or light grease to it, as well as the keeps, once a year.

So that the hinges continue to work smoothly, add a thin film of light grease to them.

Monkeytail window handles

Make window maintenance a trouble-free task in future by replacing your old window designs with our Lusso (‘luxury’) windows. Learn more about the Lusso collection here.


We have a fantastic range to choose from so whether it’s a modern style or traditional timber effect windows – we are confident that we will have windows to improve any home to give it the finished look with elegance.



We have a fantastic range to choose from so whether it’s a modern style or traditional timber effect windows – we are confident that we will have windows to improve any home to give it the finished look with elegance.


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